What Is the Campus-Based Higher Education Experience of Tomorrow?

Thursday, October 29, 2015 | 6:30PM–7:20PM | Sagamore Ballroom 6
Session Type: Professional Development
In the past few years, major educational technology initiatives have had an extensive impact on the discourse on teaching and learning for campus-based universities. Three research-intensive universities will discuss how teaching and learning initiatives like the development of MOOCs and redesign of learning spaces has sparked a rethink of the campus experience.

Outcomes: Identify initiatives at research-intensive campus-based universities that are having a substantial impact on the teaching and learning discourse * Identify lessons learned and how they might be applied at your institution


  • Amy Collier

    Associate Provost for Digital Learning, Middlebury College
  • Adam Finkelstein

    Associate Director, Learning Environments, McGill University
  • Joshua Kim

    Assistant Provost for Online Learning Strategy, Dartmouth College