Persuasive Pervasive: Real Learning or Hype? {podcast file(s) available}

Tuesday, January 25, 2005 | 11:00AM–12:00PM | La Salle A
Session Type: Professional Development
The five charter institutions (Duke, Ohio State, Penn State, Stanford, and The Missouri School of Journalism at the University of Missouri) of the Apple Digital Campus have partnered to develop strategies for assessing the impact of pervasive technologies on learning and teaching. The presenters will address NLII alignment and assessment key themes by sharing an innovative rubric for evaluating student learning outcomes within transformative educational environments.


  • Yvonne Belanger

    Senior Program Officer, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
  • Carl Berger

    Retired, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
  • Cole Camplese

    Vice President for Technology and CIO, University of Texas at Austin
  • Susan Metros

    Founder and Principal- Metros Consulting, University of Southern California
  • Melissa Poole

  • Victoria Szabo

    Research Prof, Visual and Media Studies; Prog Dir, Info Sci & Info Studies, Duke University

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