Seminar 02 - Introduction to Identity Management: The Big Picture
PLEASE NOTE: Separate registration and fee is required to attend this seminar.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006 | 9:30AM–12:45PM | Denver 5/6
Session Type: Professional Development

Unsure how all the parts of an identity management system fit together and would like to know more before attending the CAMP? Consider registering for "Introduction to Identity Management: The Big Picture." This non-technical, preworkshop seminar will offer a functional model of the campus infrastructure and provide attendees a chance to view it through the technology, policy, and business process lenses.

Topics covered include:

  • technology model and where authentication fits
  • lifecycle of identity
  • policy frameworks and governance

If you are new to this topic or would like an overall map of where the pieces fit at an institutional level, consider registering for this preworkshop seminar. Topics relating to the support of authentication across boundaries may be discussed briefly at the seminar and again in more detail at the CAMP.