Putting Your Web-based File System to Work in Administration & Research

Tuesday, April 25 | 3:30PM–4:15PM | San Miguel (1B theatre level)
Session Type: Professional Development
In the spring of 2004, it seemed like the topic of secure file storage and sharing was coming up at every other IT meeting at USF. USF selected Xythos to meet multiple objectives, such as providing an alternative to desktop file sharing, providing web-based access to student file shares, and reducing e-mail attachment volume. Since the spring 2005 rollout, students, faculty and staff have begun to use the system. This presentation will describe various types of use and steps USF plans to take in the future.


  • Tracy Schroeder

    Associate Vice Chancellor & Chief Information Officer, University of California, Berkeley
  • Jim Till

    Chief Marketing Officer, Xythos Software, Inc.

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