Jenzabar Inc., An EDUCAUSE Platinum Partner and Charleston Southern University - Building a Recognized Campus

Tuesday, June 12, 2007 | 3:30PM–4:15PM | Piedmont (Lobby Level)
Session Type: Professional Development
Too often, we as leaders in IT get caught up in putting out fires, personnel issues, budget problems and security that we forget that we are unique. More importantly, we do not take the time to look at our accomplishments and tell someone. When I refer to telling someone, this is not our customer base that responds with, "oh, thanks." What is really being said is, "I have no idea what it took to accomplish what you did but it works." I am referring to telling our vendors in technology what we are doing and why it is special. Leaving public relations (PR) to say what we do and how we do it is a dead end. Not that they are not interested, they just do not understand technology and what is being accomplished. Take control of your PR and let those who understand what you are doing tell your story. In 2006, CSU had 10 national press releases that originated from the IT department. This is what can be built with some imagination and the ability to effectively communicate technological advancements.


  • Rusty Bruns

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