Weathering the Storm—Preparing for, Responding to, and Recovering from Emergencies

Tuesday, June 12, 2007 | 5:45PM–7:00PM | Grand Ballroom 3 (Lower Ballroom Level)
Session Type: Professional Development
Along with Charley, Ivan, and Katrina, hurricanes and other natural disasters are a part of life in the Southeast. Beyond the weather, many other calamities might hit us at any time. While many of us have been involved in efforts to develop emergency preparedness, disaster recovery, and business continuity plans, often these sit on a shelf and have little to do with how the institution really responds in an emergency. How can we plan and prepare in a way that is realistic and meaningful? How can we collaborate in advance so that we will be prepared to help each other when disaster strikes? What are the critical functions of IT before, during, and after an emergency? How can IT best facilitate long-term recovery efforts? This panel will feature several IT professionals who have experienced disastrous situations first-hand and can offer valuable insights to others.


  • Kathy Gates

    CIO, EMERITA, University of Mississippi
  • Betty Hawkins

    Director of Mainframe Services, University of South Carolina
  • Frank O'Quinn

    Deputy Policy and IT Disaster Recovery Officer, Louisiana State University
  • David Sliman

    Chief Information Officer, University of Southern Mississippi

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