Privacy and Security in Higher Education: Filling the Policy Vacuum

Tuesday, August 07, 2007 | 9:30AM–11:00AM | Anderson (First Floor, Conference Center)
Session Type: Professional Development
Colleges and universities possess an exceptional volume and variety of personal information. Our stewardship of such information has been inconsistent and inadequate, and we often implement new technologies and systems without considering systemic privacy and security implications. Although many publicly reported security breaches occur on campuses, we have been slow to provide training in privacy and security issues, rarely audit for compliance, and lag far behind industry and government in appointing privacy and security officers. This session will address the information policy challenges facing colleges and universities, today and in the future, and will offer practical steps for overcoming them.


  • Fred Cate

    direcdtor, Cewnter for Applied Cybersecurity Research, Indiana University Bloomington

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