Seminar 1 - The Big Picture: Introduction to Identity and Access Management
PLEASE NOTE: Separate registration and fee is required to attend this seminar.
How many times has this happened to you? A student comes up to you and asks,"How is my digital identity assured and can I use my campus userid and password to seamlessly review my federal loans?"
Do you know how to answer? Are you unsure about what a digital identity is all about? Interested in learning about the major concepts and terms of identity management, why it's important, and how the data flows from source systems to applications? If you are new to this topic or would like an overall map of where the pieces fit at an institutional level, consider registering for this non-technical preworkshop seminar.
This session will include overviews of the:
- What is digital identity?
- What is the identity life cycle?
- What are the primary reasons for implementing identity-related services?
- What is federated identity and why is it important to student services?
If you are new to this topic or would like an overall map of where the pieces fit at an institutional level, consider registering for this preworkshop seminar. Topics relating to the support of authentication across boundaries may be discussed briefly at the seminar and again in more detail at the CAMP.