Challenging IT Leaders to Mashup, Twitter, Tag, and Poke: New IT Strategies for a Digital Society - Sponsored by CDW Government, An EDUCAUSE Platinum Partner
Challenging IT Leaders to Mashup, Twitter, Tag, and Poke: New IT Strategies for a Digital Society - Sponsored by CDW Government, An EDUCAUSE Platinum Partner
Monday, March 17 | 2:00PM–3:15PM | Grand Ballroom/Seventh Floor
Session Type:
Professional Development
Today's youth are digitally titillated, visually stimulated, and socially connected. To educate and engage this new breed of learners, institutions of higher education are revisiting and revising the basic tenants of a general education by asking, What does it means to be literate in today's society? As educators transform the way they teach and conduct research, IT leaders also must alter their institution's IT strategy to best support a mobile, global digital citizenry.
Susan Metros
Founder and Principal- Metros Consulting, University of Southern California