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Wednesday, April 02 | 11:45AM–1:00PM | Peacock Court, Lobby Level
Session Type: Professional Development
The attention of—and on—higher education has been focused on defensive measures to curb illegal file sharing. But this is occurring in the context of a much larger national debate about the appropriate role of copyright and intellectual property in cyberspace. Simultaneously, myriad new business models and delivery options for online digital entertainment are being tested.ÊWhat are institutions of higher education doing to curb illegal file sharing? What are the issues in the larger copyright debate? And what is the vision of the entertainment industry for offering digital entertainment online? A panel of distinguished experts in the field will discuss these and other pertinent issues in the peer-to-peer file sharing debate.


  • Casey Green

    Founding Director, The Campus Computing Project
  • Fred von Lohmann

    Senior Staff Attorney, Electronic Frontier Foundation
  • Kent Wada

    Chief Privacy Officer, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)

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