Integrated by Design: A Model and Methodology for a Sustainable, Integrated Enterprise Information System
Wednesday, June 03, 2009 | 10:30AM–11:15AM | International F/G (6th floor)
Session Type:
Professional Development
Administrators, faculty, and technical professionals are attempting to optimize the productivity and profitability of their institutions. However, they often lack a comprehensive vision, concept, or shared understanding of how they will work together to sustain the university and its information system. The result is a flood of applications, databases, computer networks, extranets, intranets, and information created by parochial, redundant, insecure, uncoordinated, and unrelated information technology initiatives. Universities must be in control of their information system architectures. This session will introduce a model and methodology that enables an institution to conceptually envision, logically plan, and physically implement a sustainable enterprise information system.