From Blackboard to Sakai: The Who, What, Where, and Why

Wednesday, February 25 | 11:45AM–12:30PM | Hidalgo Ballroom B
Session Type: Professional Development
After identifying Sakai, an open-source solution, as its next collaboration and courseware management platform, Texas State began the process of transitioning the campus to the new environment. The faculty's voluntary move to TRACS (Texas State's implementation of Sakai) began in 2005, with a small pilot group. Over the next three years, the TRACS team facilitated the migration of 29,500 faculty, students, and staff to TRACS from Blackboard. This gradual process included infrastructure and software development and support, thousands of hours of user support, documentation production, workshop and tutorial development and delivery, focus group testing, surveys, and continuous targeted communications.


  • Mary Cauble

  • Michael Farris

  • Whitten Smart

    Special Assistant to the VP, Texas State University
  • Jeff Snider

    Systems Analyst II, Texas State University

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