The New American University and National Innovation Network: A Winning Combination?

Wednesday, February 04, 2009 | 11:30AM–1:00PM | Palm B/E
Session Type: Professional Development
Can we, as regional optical networks (RONs), National LambdaRail, Darkstrand, National Public Lightpath, and key associations like SURA, "connect the dots" into becoming a national innovation network? As next-generation networks, can we collaborate among ourselves to stimulate more high-performance computing and computational science and engineering to solve mankind's greatest problems? Could this vision attract broadband investment dollars from the Obama administration? These questions will be addressed by a diverse panel of key network operators and users followed by open discussion with the audience.


  • Gary Crane

    Director, IT Initiatives, Southeastern Universities Research Association
  • Joel Hartman

    Retired - July 2020, University of Central Florida
  • Tom West

    CEO, National LambdaRail

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