DevInfo GameWorks: Change the World, One Game at a Time

Tuesday, March 16, 2010 | 2:30PM–3:30PM | Empire/Seventh Floor
Session Type: Professional Development
Through a software gaming engine that supports the creation, exchange, and play of games based on robust UN development data, DevInfo GameWorks (DIGW) brings wide-ranging information on the condition of humanity to young people in an engaging, social way. Developed through a unique partnership between the organization DevInfo and the University of Michigan–Flint Technology in Education Global Program, DIGW has been successfully piloted with students ranging from Michigan to the Cayman Islands and is a winner of a MacArthur Foundation–funded 2009 Digital Media and Learning Competition grant. This session will introduce DIGW and the partnership behind its creation.


  • Jeff Kupperman

    Associate Professor of Education, University of Michigan-Flint
  • Beth Robertson

    Teacher, Designer and Learning Consultant, di GameWorks

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