Engaging Science Students with Wireless Technology and Applications by Revisiting the Thayer Method of Teaching and Learning

Thursday, June 03, 2010 | 10:30AM–11:15AM | International B/C (6th floor)
Session Type: Professional Development
Undergraduate science instructors at Georgia Gwinnett College integrated wireless technology and applications into course lecture and lab to engage students with tools and techniques students use in the modern world. Instructors used wireless technology to engage students before they come to class and lab via cell phone viewable: organic chemistry flashcards, minilectures using the Smart Board Airliner Interactive Tablet, prelaboratory demonstrations of experimental equipment and techniques, and administrative materials for the course. We will report on student attitudes toward cell phone engagement and impact on student learning.


  • Joseph Sloop

    Professor of Chemistry & Chair of Faculty, Georgia Gwinnett College

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