Making the Most of Tools at Hand: Building Toward Courageous Technology Use

Wednesday, June 01, 2011 | 3:30PM–4:15PM | Grand Ballroom Salons A-C
Session Type: Professional Development
This session will share experiences and spark conversation regarding maximizing creative use of existing technology tools in cross-disciplinary faculty development collaborations for skill building and modeling of experiential learning. The presenters will describe the process and outcomes of two recent exemplar initiatives from their campus: a digital story telling academy and a local cohort of a networked faculty seminar. Topics will include the deliberative selection of tools, the makeup of the learner cohorts, challenges and successes, and lessons learned. Participants will be given an intentional exercise to explore ideas for piloting similar development activities on their own campuses.


  • Cindy Jennings

  • Lori Tanner

    Director Education Workforce Training Cyberinfrastructure Technology Integration, Clemson University

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