Getting Everyone on the Same LMS Page

Wednesday, February 23 | 11:30AM–12:15PM | Meeting Room 400
Session Type: Professional Development, WSWRC11
Pepperdine recently adopted Sakai as its learning management system after using another system for 10 years. This required engaging faculty in evaluating, testing, and implementing the new system. It also required redefining and improving the relationship between the center of Technology and Learning, which analyzed faculty and student usage and satisfaction with LMSs and then conducted a 12-month pilot test of Sakai, and the support side of IT which was expected to support end users once Sakai was adopted. Numerous misunderstandings existed between the teams. These needed to be ameliorated if the institutional implementation of Sakai was to be successful.


  • Jenny Cha

    Senior Instructional Designer, St. Edward's University
  • Gerry Flynn

    Associate Chief Information Officer, Pepperdine University
  • Tom Hoover