Digital Learning: Teaching Information Literacy through LibGuides

Thursday, February 23 | 2:30PM–3:30PM | Pavilion, Plaza Level
Session Type: Professional Development
Academic librarians endeavor to build collaborative teaching relationships to better integrate information literacy into curriculum discipline areas, but time constraints often dictate that structured student/librarian interaction is limited to a single in-class session. To address this problem, librarians at UT Arlington Library have built instructional content into course- and subject-specific LibGuides. This presentation will focus on the methods we have used to increase the effectiveness of LibGuides as a teaching tool and how these guides can put students at the center of their own learning experience. These methods include developing curriculum collaboratively, Kuhlthau's information search process, and usability testing.


  • Andy Herzog

    Librarian, University of Texas at Arlington
  • Boglarka Huddleston

    Instruction & Information Literacy Librarian, University of Texas at Arlington
  • Gretchen Trkay

    Instruction & Information Literacy Librarian, University of Texas at Arlington