From Fair-Use Inaction to Fair Use in Action: Using Best Practices to Support Teaching and Research

Thursday, January 17, 2013 | 4:30PM–6:00PM | Harborside Ballroom D
Session Type: Professional Development

This workshop/panel will familiarize attendees with the fair-use doctrine in copyright law, the general movement toward best practices, and the Code of Best Practices in Fair Use for Academic and Research Libraries. Following an introduction to these concepts and resources, attendees will work through some common use cases and discuss how they would apply consensus fair-use principles to these cases. After the workshop, attendees will be more comfortable with the fair-use doctrine generally and will have experience applying best practices in circumstances they are likely to encounter in their own practice.


  • Brandon Butler

    Practitioner-in-Residence, American University
  • Peter Jaszi

    Faculty Director, American University

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