Lessons from Cross-Campus Colleagues: Using a Team-Based Model to Redesign Courses Collaboratively

Friday, January 18 | 10:30AM–11:15AM | Essex
Session Type: Professional Development

In this session, we will highlight how the Teaching, Learning, and Technology Initiative at Georgetown University enabled meaningful experiences in teaching and learning to emerge. Participating faculty fellows collaborated closely with teaching center professionals, participated in collegial conversations, and built an informal mentoring program where lessons learned by some informed the work of the others. We'll share some stories of how trailblazer "Project Makeover" fall-semester assignment redesigns in this group strengthened the spring-semester redesigns of others, and we'll discuss how open communication and collaborative problem solving made each fellow's course(s) richer.


  • Susan Pennestri

    Senior Director of Digital Learning & Operations, Pomona College
  • Janet Russell

    Deputy CIO, Support and Instructional Technology, Pomona College
  • Theresa Schlafly

    Writer and Editor, Georgetown University

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