TEAM: Technology, Education, Assessment & Monitoring: Building a Better Online Program to Meet Accreditation Standards

Wednesday, January 16 | 5:45PM–6:30PM | Harborside Ballroom A
Session Type: Professional Development

At Bowie State University, a TEAM of faculty and staff work together to ensure that the university meets accreditation requirements and federal and state reporting requirements. This session focuses on how planning, research, reporting, assessment, and academic computing collaborate with faculty to enhance a developing distance education program. Examples to be highlighted include implementing the BSU Online Policy and the Strategic Plan for Online Education, identifying distance education courses in a consistent manner for reporting purposes, preparing and supporting faculty and students for an online environment, assessing online learning at the course and institutional level, and aligning with the MSCHE Hallmarks.


  • Gayle Fink

    Asst VP Institutional Effectiveness, Bowie State University
  • Mariann Hawken

    Director, Instructional Technology, University of Maryland, Baltimore County

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