Emerging Insights on Learning, Technology, and the Road Ahead

Thursday, February 14 | 11:30AM–1:00PM | Capitol Ballroom E
Session Type: Professional Development
In this presentation we'll explore emerging insights in the quickly changing world of learning. We'll look to models from today and envision the road ahead on issues including the intergenerational mix of teachers and learners; the different ways learners are engaging with education; blended, mobile, and game-based learning; learning networks and the open-content movement; advanced analytics and cultures of inquiry; continuing conversations on student readiness; and our shared commitment to meaningful human connections. Most important, however, we'll anchor this conversation in (1) the need to put technology on purpose rather than making it the center of our learning dialogues and (2) catalyzing collaboration in efforts to harness technology to improve and expand learning.


  • Mark Milliron

    President, National University

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