Cloud Services: Developing an Integrated Strategy for Faculty Support

Tuesday, March 18, 2014 | 2:30PM–3:30PM | Zurich Ballroom ABCD
Session Type: Professional Development
On an ever-increasing basis, campus IT departments face the challenge of how to best support faculty who have entered into cloud-based service agreements with textbook publishers without their knowledge. These agreements often necessitate that student data and other intellectual property reside on the publishers' cloud-based servers. When using cloud-based services, faculty members are often unclear about their roles and responsibilities related to problem resolution and data security. This presentation will provide an overview of a comprehensive cloud services package that includes policies, processes, and training for all key players. We will share examples of related forms, checklists, and training materials.


  • Constance Harris

    Director of Online Learning, University of Baltimore
  • Greg Hedrick

    Chief Information Security Officer, Purdue University