Growing the Next Generation of Higher Ed Leaders

Wednesday, January 28, 2015 | 11:30AM–1:00PM | Marina Ballroom E
Session Type: Professional Development
This session will focus broadly on staff development techniques ranging from early career to senior level and the different skills and competencies that are of greatest need at different points of the IT career: skills training, external knowledge building, career goal setting, and experience-based learning through job assignments during early career development as well as senior talent management frameworks that focus on greater development of the soft skills of IT leadership. It will also include a discussion of an overall need for coaching/mentoring at all levels of career development. This facilitated session will share and discuss techniques, frameworks, and success stories, as well as the need for EDUCAUSE programs to develop tomorrow's leaders in higher education IT well versed in collaboration, team building, change leadership, and organizational renewal.

OUTCOMES: Develop a potential roadmap to grow your people and build the talent pipeline throughout your organization * Determine practical strategies for how to get existing employees/managers to engage in mentoring and coaching activities with staff * Discuss the evolving model for senior IT leadership under consideration by members of the EDUCAUSE CIO community


  • Tom Andriola

    Vice Chancellor, IT and Data, University of California, Irvine
  • Pat Schneider

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