The Future of Online Learning Analytics: Measuring Course Health

Wednesday, January 28, 2015 | 3:15PM–4:15PM | Mission Hills
Session Type: Professional Development
Nobel Laureate Herbert Simon wrote that "Improvement in postsecondary education will require converting teaching from a 'solo sport' to a community-based research activity." To this end, we must find means to evaluate and predict the impact of curricular and instructional enhancements for institutions, especially in online learning at scale. In order to address this challenge, faculty leadership, business intelligence, and data analytics must work together to develop models for successful data extraction and analysis to inform curriculum improvements. This fusion of data analytics, learning technology, and curriculum and innovation fosters a culture of evidence-based decision making, resulting in answering course-related questions and the impact of various metrics on the performance of an online course. Join us to delve into options and outcomes from the perspectives of institutions wherever they are on the spectrum.

OUTCOMES: Explore strategies for fusing academics, technology, and business intelligence * Contribute to meaningful dialogue around the metric frameworks * Investigate data findings associated with specific interventions


  • Andrew Shean

    Vice Provost, Curriculum & Innovation, The University of Arizona Global Campus
  • Vernon Smith

    Faculty Fellow, League for Innovation in the Community College