Being Connected: Mobile Mashup of Location + Campus Tools + Daily Activities

Thursday, March 03 | 9:00AM–10:00AM | Colorado Ballroom CD, Lower Level 2
Session Type: Professional Development
In this session, we will focus on delivering timely and relevant interactions to students through a mashup of location, campus tools (e-mail, LMS, and enterprise data), and daily activities (schedule and tasks). With a glance at their mobile device, students have immediate access to assignments and quizzes, grades and announcements, schedules and academic life, and much more, all connected through time and place. Here's just one example. A student needs to take a quiz in one of our testing labs. As she walks by, we can check for seat availability against her calendar and electronically nudge her to stop by.

OUTCOMES: Engage students using contextual and relevant data * Learn how to leverage third-party tools to integrate with existing solutions * Discover how to create mashups at your institution


  • Kyle Parker

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