IT Risk Management and Governance: How do you measure up?

Thursday, April 07 | 9:30AM–10:30AM | Concerto A
Session Type: Professional Development
Are your IT risk management and governance initiatives top-notch? Or are you hitting a roadblock but just don't know why. Building on successful benchmarking initiatives, EDUCAUSE has created a new online service that helps IT leaders assess and benchmark maturity and technology deployment for a suite of strategic initiatives, including analytics, e-learning, IT risk management, IT governance, information security, and student success. Join us to learn about the landscape of these initiatives in higher education and how to improve areas of difficulty.

OUTCOMES: Identify benchmarks of IT's capability to deliver on strategic initiatives * Reflect on comparative areas of success and opportunities for improvement * Discuss action items for improving with leadership


  • Jim O'Connor

    Vice President for IT/Chief Information Officer, Auburn University

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