Leveraging University IT Resources toward Enhancing IT Courses

Thursday, April 07 | 2:00PM–2:30PM | Overture I Foyer
Session Type: Professional Development
Since its founding in 1996, The Auburn University Laboratory for Education and Assistive Technology (LEAT) has developed eight cutting-edge traditional and distance learning IT courses (http://pca.eng.auburn.edu/). Universal design concepts are implemented in making these courses welcoming to a wide range of students with disabilities. The LEAT team worked side-by-side with the university's IT professionals to leverage university resources. The LEAT team also built educational partnerships with companies (e.g., Pearson Education, Microsoft, Oracle, Altova, and IBM) in order to enhance the usability and educational content offered by these companies.

OUTCOMES: Leverage university IT resources toward developing cutting edge IT courses * Implement UD concepts in developing inclusive IT courses * Leverage opportunities offered by educational partnerships


  • Daniela Marghitu

    Professor and LEAT Director, Computer Science Department, Auburn University