Give 'Em What They Want: Better Stewardship through Better Design

Monday, April 10, 2017 | 1:15PM–2:15PM | Salon 6/7, Third Floor
Session Type: Breakout Session
This session will use three common scenarios to explore a common idea through multiple lenses. What is it that our customers really want, and are we providing it? The three 15-minutes examples we'll use are the university homepage, the IT customer with a request, and employee development. Each of these are things are daily interactions that, through better design, can achieve more in terms of relationship building and better outcomes. Invariably, those better relationships and outcomes provide a more solid foundation for effective stewardship.

OUTCOMES: Learn how to more effectively balance the needs of sometimes competing stakeholders, develop a stronger inquiry method, and leverage operational tasks as opportunities for development


  • Matthew Belskie

    Liaison to the Center for Faculty Excellence and Educational Technology Coordinator, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill