Strategic Leadership and the IT Organization

Tuesday, July 23 | 9:00AM–10:30AM | Heritage Ballroom, 2nd Floor
Session Type: Professional Development
The successful CIO delivers value by providing technology services that advance the mission of the institution, improve operations, and deliver competitive advantage. IT leaders must be competent communicators in order to influence and persuade executive leaders and peers in reaching business decisions. They also must establish and execute strategies and tactics that ensure successful implementation of IT goals.

This session will examine the leadership qualities required of the successful CIO and will consider the roles of the CIO as the leader of both the institution and the IT organization. Participants will explore leadership skills and capabilities for influencing decision makers, thinking strategically, leading change, and delivering results. Participants will assess their own leadership skills and develop a personal plan for leadership growth.


  • To understand the leadership requirements of the role of the CIO.
  • To assess personal leadership strengths and weaknesses.
  • To establish a personal leadership development plan.


  • Karen Leach

    Vice President, Administration & Finance, Hamilton College
  • Laura Patterson

    University of Michigan-Ann Arbor