Navigating Current Issues

Wednesday, July 24, 2019 | 8:30AM–9:45AM MT | Alpine West Ballroom, second level
Session Type: General Session

As campus leaders, we must respond and add value as new opportunities and challenges emerge each year. A recent example is the role of social media at our institutions as related to the national debate on diversity and inclusion and Title IX. In future years, our institutions will face potentially game changing events, events that cannot even be imagined now. Our reaction to these events can have major positive or negative impact in terms of major enrollment changes, mergers and consolidations, and more. In this participant-driven session, we will explore strategies for successfully navigating this high-speed change at the enterprise level.

  • Identify when and how to engage campus leaders on new strategic opportunities and risks
  • Understand the need to develop a high-level view of the institution and its core mission
  • Recognize the value of information resources and technologies in the stream of current issues/changes and how IT tools can be leveraged to institutional advantage


  • Susan Malisch

  • Cheryl Washington

    Chief Information Security Officer, University of California, Davis