MTC Mentor Debrief

Thursday, July 25, 2019 | 2:45PM–3:00PM MT | Grand Ballroom A, second level
Session Type: General Session

LTL teams will have time during this session to connect with their mentors to discuss feedback, answer questions and celebrate the success of their MTC presentations.


  • Julian Allen

    Innovation Architect, University of Maryland Global Campus
  • Sherri Braxton Castanzo

    Deputy CIO for Digital Innovation, Bowdoin College
  • Malcolm Brown

    Consultant, EDUCAUSE Alumni
  • Brad Cohen

  • Liv Gjestvang

    Vice President & CIO, Denison University
  • Cindy Mitchell

    Retired, University of Maine System
  • Kelvin Thompson

    Vice Provost for Online Strategy and Teaching Innovation, University of Louisville