Performance Management - Part 2

Thursday, July 19, 2012 | 2:15PM–3:45PM | Robert E. Perry, Third Floor
Session Type: Professional Development
Overview of the basic concepts of performance management with suggested techniques for handling performance appraisals, establishing professional development plans for staff, handling difficult performance management issues, and motivating IT professionals.


  • Define "Performance Management" in the context of overall management and understand the performance management "life-cycle".
  • Consider what resources can help them manage more effectively and how to use them
  • Develop SMART goals and understand how to use them in performance management
  • Use real-life examples as case studies and practice providing effective feedback
  • Recognize there are multiple perspectives on and approaches to performance problems
  • Recognize hiring strategies as a pre-cursor to performance management


  • Eric Bird

    Chief Operating Officer, Road Scholar
  • Jenn Stringer

    Vice President and Chief Digital Officer, J. Paul Getty Trust