Leading and Managing Change

Thursday, July 25, 2019 | 1:15PM–2:30PM MT | Grand Ballroom B, second level
Session Type: General Session

As organizations undertake projects or initiatives to improve performance, seize opportunities, and address key issues, they often require changes—changes to processes, job roles, organizational structures and types, and uses of technology. Change management is the discipline that guides how we prepare, equip, and support individuals to effectively adopt change in order to drive organizational success and outcomes. If change is not managed successfully, it can cause more harm than good to an organization. During this session, you will be introduced to the skills and strategies needed for managing professional and personal change while promoting, implementing, and even embracing organizational change.

Session Outcomes:
  • Understand the importance and impact of change in the workplace
  • Understand how people and organizations process change
  • Practice how to increase the positive influence of management during change


  • Hannah Inzko

    Senior Director of Academic Technology, Wake Forest University
  • Dennis Trinkle