Meeting Digital Learners' Expanding Literacy Needs

Monday, January 22 | 9:00PM–9:00PM
Session Type: Resources
Learning occurs by “thinking out loud,” as well as by presenting results. ELI will experiment with “Learning Circles” which are collaborative sessions in which a member discusses the “next big thing” they plan to pursue and seeks feedback from the participants. This group exploration also allows you to think about implications for your campus.

Framing question for this learning circle: How can we support our academic communities as they strive to meet the expanded literacy needs of the new breed of digital learners?

Central to all higher education institutions' academic missions is a set of core values, or general education requirements, that underscore what it means to be literate in today's society. Many institutions are considering updating these requirements to take into account the expanded literacy needs of the new breed of digital learners. How can information and instructional technology leaders and professionals support their academic communities as they strive to broaden the definition of literacy to employ new media to decipher, interpret, express, and effectively communicate meaning beyond text?


  • Susan Metros

    Founder and Principal- Metros Consulting, University of Southern California