Breaking the Walls of the Classroom Whether We Like It or Not: Multiplicities of Place with Mobile Media

Tuesday, January 20, 2009 | 5:30PM–6:30PM | Grand Sierra Ballroom D
Session Type: Professional Development
Emerging media such as iPhones create both challenges and opportunities for educators. On the one hand, they provide ubiquitous access to resources and social networks. On the other hand, they disrupt existing power relationships. Whereas most efforts have conceptualized learning with mobile media in terms of "any time, any where," this session reframes the challenges and opportunities in terms of place. Mobile media enable deeper experiences of place, but they also create multiplicity and hybridities of place. Drawing on work done in 30 classrooms over the past two years, this session includes a framework for thinking about how mobile media might be better integrated into classrooms.


  • Kurt Squire

    Assistant Professor in Educational Communications and Technology, University of Wisconsin-Madison

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