Learning in an Emergent, Model-Based Environment Created by Cyberinfrastructure and Community: nanoHUB.org

Wednesday, January 21, 2009 | 2:30PM–3:30PM | Grand Sierra Ballroom D
Session Type: Professional Development
Powered by the HUBzero.org cyberinfrastructure platform developed at Purdue University, nanoHUB.org presents nanotechnology learners with interactive, graphical simulation programs right in their web browsers. These immediate and sharable modeling tools invite active and collaborative learning. Consequently, using nanoHUB changes the classroom because we can expect learners to construct knowledge as much as receive it in prepackaged form. Furthermore, with cyberinfrastructure-enabled, model-based environments, formal learning and discovery environments form a continuum and begin to crossover with informal learning and play environments. This has positive implications for engaging "digital natives.”


  • George Adams

    Deputy Director, Network for Computational Nanotechnology and Director, HUBzero, Purdue University

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