Connect the DOTS: The DePaul Online Teaching Series (Innovative Practice)

Wednesday, January 20 | 2:30PM–3:30PM | Governor's Ballroom E (fourth floor)
Session Type: Professional Development
DePaul University' has launched a program called DOTS (DePaul Online Teaching Series) designed to help faculty prepare for teaching in an online environment, both from a technical and pedagogical standpoint. Attendees will learn about the aspects of the DOTS program and how we offered tools that broke down the barrier between faculty and online teaching: laptops, peripherals, software, critical pedagogical tools, compensation, training and one-on-one support post-DOTS. In addition, participants will hear from an instructor who took the DOTS program and learn how her experience has influenced her teaching in all modalities, as well as what motivated her and online teaching do's and don'ts.


  • Joann Martyn

    Director of Technology and Online Learning, College of Communication, DePaul University