Doing More with Much Less: Pursuing an Innovative Teaching and Learning Agenda in a Time of Fiscal Austerity

Thursday, January 21, 2010 | 9:00AM–10:00AM | Governor's Ballroom A/B (fourth floor)
Session Type: Professional Development
Supporting an innovative program for teaching and learning is challenging even in the best of times. But when institutions face severe fiscal austerity, such support becomes a difficult task. We all face tough choices about what to emphasize and what to stop supporting. We find we must tax our creativity to the utmost to find new support strategies and resources. We are all asking ourselves similar questions: Is the cloud our salvation? Should we focus on support services and scale back on providing learning infrastructure? Can institutions collaborate on resource development? What are the core priorities that need to be retained? At this discussion, leaders in the field will discuss their ideas, programs, and the decisions they have made and are facing, and they will facilitate a brainstorming session with audience participants.


  • Cole Camplese

    Vice President for Technology and CIO, University of Texas at Austin
  • Ed Kelty

    CIO, Finger Lakes Community College
  • Barron Koralesky

    Chief Information Officer, Williams College

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