Rebooting the Past, Uploading the Future: Web 2.0 and the Study of History Through a Living Learning Community (Learning Technology)

Tuesday, January 19 | 5:00PM–6:00PM | Meeting Room 406 (fourth floor)
Session Type: Professional Development
In this case study, the instructor, the undergraduate teaching assistant, and a library administrator will assess how new media and Web 2.0 technologies transform project-based learning within a unique residential Freshman Interest Group (FIG) learning environment. Learn how the strategic integration of specific Web 2.0 technologies into the FIG, "Hidden History: Documenting Freshman Year," fosters a dynamic partnership between librarians, archivists, and faculty; stimulates higher-order reasoning skills (independent inquiry, critical thinking, problem solving, and expository writing); introduces first-year students to the essential questions and methodologies of specific disciplines and fields of study; and promotes interdisciplinary study and research.


  • Andrew Bonamici

  • Heather Briston

    Head, Public Services, UCLA Library Special Collections, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)
  • Kevin Hatfield

    Assistant Director for Academic Initiatives/Adjunct Assistant Professor, University of Oregon
  • Matthew Villeneuve

    Student, University of Oregon