WAC 2.0: Rethinking Writing Across the Curriculum in the Age of the Participatory Web (Learning Technology)

Thursday, January 21, 2010 | 10:30AM–11:30AM | Governor's Ballroom D (fourth floor)
Session Type: Professional Development
The Writing Across the Curriculum philosophy has become more timely and valuable within participatory Web 2.0 environments such as course management systems, blogs, and wikis. We highlight innovative teaching examples from Illinois that engage students within Web 2.0 environments by applying WAC principles: writing as process, writing as learning, the crafting of diverse writing activities, and so forth. We will model "WAC meets Web 2.0" techniques during our session and end by suggesting that Web 2.0 environments make possible a more radical adoption of multimodal assignments in any discipline, with students "writing" through thoughtful combinations of video, sound, word.


  • Robert Baird

    Sr. Associate Director Educational Partnerships, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
  • Al Weiss

    Director of Educational Technology and Curricular Innovation, Pacific University

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