Mobile Learning: Faculty and Student Stories (Pilot Program/Emerging Technology)

Monday, February 14, 2011 | 3:45PM–4:45PM | Lincoln East
Session Type: Professional Development
These faculty members from the University of Maryland have integrated the use of mobile devices into their courses. From computer science to journalism to digital storytelling, come hear their stories of the activities and strategies they used to engage students, the challenges they faced, the opportunities they discovered, and the lessons they learned. There will be time to dialogue with the panelists and even experience an activity or two used in their classes.

Learning Objectives
* Obtain a better understanding of the opportunities and challenges of integrating mobile devices into classes.
* Understand successful practices for using mobile devices for teaching and learning.
* Consider lessons learned from professors who have integrated mobile devices into their classes.


  • Chris Higgins

    Principal, CJPH Consulting
  • Vicky Lai

    Student, Computer Science and Economics, University of Maryland
  • Ron Yaros

    Associate Professor, University of Maryland

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