The E-Learning Roadmap: Making Strategic Decisions in a Complex Ecosystem (Institutional Scope)

Monday, February 14 | 3:45PM–4:45PM | Georgetown
Session Type: Professional Development
One of the most important decisions an institution can make in the academic technology space is around the best approach for providing tools and functionalities that are most commonly associated with a learning management system. Duke University has just completed an 18-month project to identify our long-term direction in this area, balancing strategic, functional, technical, and cost factors to find the best fit for our current and anticipated future needs. In this session we will share our goals, planning process, challenges, and conclusions, as well as recommendations for institutions of any size that may be (re)considering their long-term LMS strategy.

Learning Objectives
* Learn how Duke identified and assessed the strategic, functional, technical, and cost factors that inform a major academic technology decision.
* Hear about strategies for what is often the most difficult part of a decision of this nature-engaging users effectively.
* Understand Duke's approach for eliciting and documenting the teaching and learning scenarios that represent the complex academic ecosystem in higher education.
* Learn what strategic and cultural questions an institution needs to be able to answer to plan effectively for the evolution of the LMS.
* Explore options beyond traditional LMS products that must be considered during a review of this nature.


  • Samantha Earp

    Vice President for Information Technologies & Chief Information Officer, Smith College
  • Edward Gomes

    Sr. Associate Dean, Trinity College of Arts & Sciences Technology Services & Assistant CIO, Duke University
  • Amy Kenyon

    Asst. Director, Center for Instructional Technology, Duke University

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