A Hitchhiker's Guide to Gesture-Based Computing - Sponsored Room Design and Furniture Provided by Herman Miller

Monday, February 04, 2013 | 3:45PM–4:30PM | Plaza Ballroom D
Session Type: Professional Development
EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative (ELI) and the New Media Consortium (NMC) indicate that gesture-based computing will be mainstream in 4–5 years. However, several applications have been developed for the Microsoft Kinect already, including "KinectMath" and "TedPresenter." Kinect applications are currently being developed for areas ranging from surgery to music. Other products and applications are on the way for the Macintosh, including Leap. Come and learn more about how these applications can be used in teaching and learning. But, wear some comfortable clothes. You might be called upon to "Kinect"!

Learning Objectives:
* Develop a better understanding of gesture-based computing, its implications, and potential for use in classrooms
* Identify and evaluate at least three Kinect applications that can be downloaded and used in classrooms immediately
* Be able to procure the necessary components required to run a Kinect in the classroom
* Assess the impact of gesture-based computing in student engagement


  • Rob Gibson

    Dean, ITAS, Wichita State University Campus of Applied Sciences and Technology