Anatomy of a Successful Implementation

Monday, February 04, 2013 | 3:15PM–5:30PM | Plaza Exhibit
Session Type: Professional Development
Sometimes the toughest challenge to implementing technology innovations in the academic library is internal. Prior experience defined the need for a more systematic and strategic implementation plan if we wished to gain librarian acceptance of a new search utility, prominently placed and inconveniently activated just before the beginning of a new academic year. Using a combination of the classic Rogers' Diffusion of innovations combined with First Principles of Instruction, we were able to get buy-in from a majority of library faculty within a short period of time and with surprising alacrity. This poster session will describe the process and principles that contributed to our success.

Learning Objectives:
* Identify basic principles from Rogers' Diffusion of innovations
* Recognize the importance of a systematic implementation plan
* Leverage the influence of highly respected colleagues to advance technology adoption


  • Laurie McGowan

    Retired - Digital Project Manager, University of Notre Dame