Are All Mobile Devices Equal When It Comes to Teaching and Learning? - Sponsored by Ellucian, Platinum Partner

Wednesday, February 06, 2013 | 11:45AM–12:45PM | Plaza Ballroom ABC
Session Type: Professional Development
Just when you thought you had the latest and greatest mobile device, they come out with the next generation. This session will provide strategies on how to manage and maintain outdated, current, and emerging technologies for teaching and learning, including the implementation of BYOD. We will also highlight the educational impact and features of the top-ten mobile devices and showcase cutting-edge mobile apps, including an interactive audience phone polling of mobile accessories and new apps as either effective teaching and learning tools or just gadgets.

Learning Objective: Participants will receive best practices and quality standards for determining the educational and workforce value of emerging mobilization devices and resources. They will also gather information on how to access the new mobile add resource center that aligns mobile apps to over one hundred subject areas and by devices.


  • Robbie Melton

    Associate Vice Chancellor for Emerging Mobile IoT Technologies, Tennessee Board of Regents

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