Blended Learning and MOOCs - Sponsored Room Design and Furniture Provided by Herman Miller
Developing a Recommended Course Design Process for Faculty Teaching MOOCs
Seth Anderson, Academic Technology Consultant, Duke University
Haiyan Zhou, Academic Technology Consultant, Duke University
During the summer of 2012, Duke University joined the growing number of institutions providing instruction through MOOCs. Duke's Center for Instructional Technology (CIT) worked with other units on campus to create a recommended design and development pathway for faculty teaching MOOCs, the development of which focused on modifying existing online course design principles to meet the needs of an almost exponentially larger arena. This session will offer participants an opportunity to learn about the evolution of this recommended course design process and to examine ways in which it changed as faculty members developed and implemented their MOOC courses.
Measuring Student Success in Blended Learning Environments after Course Redesign
Traci Temple, Associate Director for Instructional Technology Training, North Carolina State University
DELTA at NC State is providing financial and staff resources for faculty who are redesigning undergraduate courses by leveraging instructional technology. Focusing on student success in blended learning environments, DELTA is involved in the evaluation of student learning in these courses. This session will look at DELTA's redesign program, with a focus on the analysis of student learning outcomes, who benefits the most from redesign, and who is successfully transitioning to more advanced study. Participants will engage in Q&A and discussion activities with the goal of applying what is shared to blended courses on their campuses.