Digital Badges - Sponsored Room Design and Furniture Provided by Herman Miller
Everything You Always Wanted to Know about Badges but Were Afraid to Ask
Carla Casilli, Webmaker Badges + Content Team Lead, Mozilla Foundation
Sunny Lee Open Badges Project Lead, Mozilla Foundation
Open badges: this concept can be explosive in an educational environment. During this session, Mozilla will lay bare the successes, challenges, and failures of the Open Badge Infrastructure (OBI) project during the last year. We'll also cover our OBI dogfooding initiative, Webmaker badges, and how learning outcomes can be overshadowed by a badge-zealous public. Audiences are vital to our conversation, and we encourage as much interaction and discussion as possible during this session. We look forward to hearing your questions, comments, and concerns about open badges.
Digital Badges: A Passport to Student Learning
Kyle Bowen, Director of Informatics, Purdue University
Students have more choice in how they choose to pursue learning. MOOCs, open courseware, and traditional courses all offer different opportunities. But how do we recognize achievements, skills, or competencies across formal and informal learning opportunities? Digital badges offer a new common currency for learning. Badges are visual representations of learning that explain what was learned and provide evidence of student work. Purdue University developed Passport, an alternative to the traditional LMS, which presents learning activities as challenges where students can earn badges. This presentation will explore how Passport has been used and plans for making the technology available to instructors everywhere.