Everyone to the Front of the Class: Using Collaborative Learning Technologies to Build Information Literacy Skills

Monday, February 04 | 3:15PM–5:30PM | Plaza Exhibit
Session Type: Professional Development

Bucknell University's Library Lab is a learning space dedicated to information literacy instruction. We recently redesigned the lab with Steelcase's media:scape technology, which allows students to easily share their computer screens and work collaboratively. We took this opportunity to reexamine our information literacy learning outcomes for our students and our teaching methods. How do we most effectively harness technology to enhance teaching, learning, and student engagement? In the exciting early phase of this project, the renovated space is truly our laboratory, where we can test our hypotheses, observe students in action, and share findings.

Learning Objectives:
* Reconsider your teaching methods and learning outcomes for your students in order to engage and enrich students' learning experiences
* Reflect on your teaching style in order to sharpen your collaborative teaching techniques, utilizing experimentation with flexible technology solutions
* Analyze your teaching spaces for ways to add new technologies or make the most of existing technologies to inspire active, collaborative student learning