Giving Credit Where and When It Is Due: Adventures in Digital Credentials and Badges

Tuesday, February 05 | 2:30PM–3:15PM | Plaza Ballroom ABC
Session Type: Professional Development
Groups not traditionally in the degree-granting realm are upending how (and by whom) credit is issued. We will look at how programs outside higher education—as well as some pioneering projects in the postsecondary sphere—are adopting digital credentials and badge-empowered learning. Digital badges are more nimble than their cousins: diplomas and degrees. They allow sharing of evidence of skills and knowledge acquired through a much wider range of life activity, at a more granular level, and at a pace that keeps up with individuals who are always learning—even outside the classroom. What is the real opportunity in education for badges, and how do digital badges peacefully coexist with grades, transcripts, and degrees? Finkelstein will draw on first-hand experience with groups like the Smithsonian, YMCA of Greater NY, NYC Department of Education, Yale University, and EDUCAUSE itself.


  • Jonathan Finkelstein

    CEO, Credly, LLC

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